Hey guys
Firstly I’ll give you a quick update on where we are with the house/mortgage situation. Our mortgage advisor has been in touch and we got a bit of bad news.
Unfortunately, Nationwide have brought out a new policy. If you’re putting in 10% of the asking price as a deposit, you can only do so if you’ve saved 80% of it yourself and without help from others. It momentarily put a spanner in the works, but we believe we have found a way around it, but as a result my anxiety is going apeshit waiting to hear back from them 😂 as soon as we hear from them, I’ll let you all know what they have said.
So, onto what you probably all came here to read. The fucking rant.
As we all know, I have a huge issue with the problem of infighting on the left, and every day when I log onto twitter, I see it getting worse. We have always had this issue, let’s be honest about it, there’s always been problems that have divided us in one way or another, it’s just the way people are. But it seems like, since Corbyn resigned, it’s just gotten so much worse. And it’s so easy to understand why:
A lot of us feel so fucking lost. We fought so hard for so fucking long, we came so far behind a man who motivated an entire nation. For once we had someone and something to unify us, we had a vision of a future so different from the hellish reality we are living now, a hint of a promise that we could change the world around us and live a life where everyday ceased to me a struggle. We saw a world without foodbanks, zero hours contracts or poverty wages. We could almost taste a world where our children wouldn’t have to rely on school meals to avoid hunger, where our elderly wouldn’t have to my a choice between heating their homes or eating. We saw an end to the insane inequality that’s run rampant in this country for so long.
And it was ripped away from us. That hope, once so close, snuffed out.
It’s understandable why we are fractured.
But now it’s just fucking madness.
Yes, I understand that we once had a solid leadership to get behind, and he’s gone. And the circumstances that made him go were unfair, product of a cruel and orchestrated system that will do anything in it’s power to stop us from winning.
But that’s what we need to remember. They don’t want us to win because they are fucking afraid of us. They’re absolutely fucking terrified that we will win… And we came so close to it before.
You need to remember that it’s all orchestrated. This hatred and mistrust is all a part of their plan.
The elite want us to turn on each other. They want us to hate foreigners, people who support other parties, people who are on a lower rung of the ladder, the poor, the addicted.
So why the fuck are we letting ourselves fall into their trap?
We are all in this fight together. We all want a better world, we all want to live in that future that we once had a glimpse of.
And the only way we are going to do it is if we do it together. We can’t fight them if we are broken, splintered and at each others throats.
So please, stop fucking fighting.
I don’t care if you’re supporting Starmer.
I don’t care if you support Galloway.
I don’t care if someone asks for fucking help on gofundme me or fucking PayPal, and neither should you.
We are all in this fight together. And it’s not for a particular party to get in, it’s to fucking fight for a fairer society.
Sorry it’s only a short one guys, but I worked out how to do it from my phone! I’d appreciate some feedback on twitter if you have the time ♥️
Remember, we are so much stronger together.
They’re trying to keep us apart because they know fill well, that together we win.